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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Early Harvest

Well, we are starting to pick!  Have had some beautiful strawberries and a small crop of peas.  Think I may have been a bit early planting the peas as they are kicking on again now and I didn't get a lot at the first harvest.  here they sit in their colanders amongst the herbs. It's a happy little spot.

Well I've gone from this...

to this..................

See how the snapdragons are protecting the stalks of the celery?  Hopefully should get some nice succulent stalks, not too woody!  At least that's the theory!!

The jury's still out regarding the hanging baskets though.  They are a good idea if you don't have the space but they get very dry.  I have to water them twice a day at least and the plants are quite some with small yields.  BUT, it is early in the season so I'll wait and see what the warmer weather brings.  Forever hopeful!

The cabbage doesn't seem to mind the cosy place though!!

While the lettuce and spinach over on the other side of the back area seem to be flourishing!  Maybe a bit protected over there?

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

It's All Happening

Finally the hen house is done!  What started out as a simple improvisation has turned into a labour of love to produce the most amazing "Poultry Palace".  And so it shall be named!

And here come the "girls"!

Not quite pullets but nearly there.   Hope none are roosters!